Wuthering Nights by Summer Day

When Heath and Kate meet as children they form a bond that lasts forever. In this magical, modern retelling of a classic novel, Wuthering Heights, Heath and Kate grow up in an unusual family. As teenagers, they discover dark secrets, immortality and everlasting love. By the author of Pride & Princesses, Wuthering Nights is inspired by the classic, gothic novel Wuthering Heights.
(Excerpt from GoodRead)


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This book was given by the author during a giveaway.
Okay so I’m not going to tell you it was this amazing adaptation of Wuthering Heights, because truth be told, I would be lying. I have never read Wuthering Heights or seen the movie. Go ahead, say it, I am so behind with the times. But you know what, I don’t mind it because when books like this come before me, I am given a new, fresh insight without trying to compare two books that in all reality have nothing in common. Now, that said, on to the review!
Having previously read Ms. Day’s Pride & Princess I wasn’t sure what to expect other than what was given in the synopsis. Now, as a sucker for all things everlasting and romantic, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book.
The book begins with a little boy and a note. This little boy turns out to be our Heath. He is a quiet, sullen (secretly romantic) sort of person. He doesn’t like very many people, except Greta the housekeeper and Mr. Spencer and… Kate. Kate is, to Heath, that one special friend we had as children. The one you tell everything to, all your hopes and dreams and secrets. I wasn’t surprised when Heath decided one day that Kate was the one he was meant for. Time was a little iffy throughout the story, I wasn’t sure how many days/months/years had gone by, but I think they were still fairly young when Heath told Kate they would get married.
“When we’re grown up we’ll get married.” (6% in)
I think that may have been my favorite line out of the whole story. Kate laughed at his declaration, which had been said with such earnest and Heath had been so sullen about it.
The book was fairly fast paced. I think 3-4yrs passed in the first few chapters so you’re not dragging through pages of back story. I don’t think I liked Kate all that much in the beginning, but I did like Heath. He was absolutely adorable in my head as a child and then dark and sullen as an adult.
What I really liked about this book. It was light and sweet. Not too much clutter and deep plot which was perfect for the day I was having. This is the kind of book to pick up when you just want to forget the world for a few hours, to sink into someone else’s life and drift. It was a light meal on a hot day. The only thing that broke that flow was the slight confusion between Kate and Kat. Other than that, I am not deterred from considering Ms. Day as one of my favorite authors.
So, in conclusion:
Will I read the next book? Yes.
Will I tell my friends about this book? Yes.
Did I enjoy it? Yes.
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