Chaos Unleashed by AmBear Shellea



Book Name: Chaos Unleashed
Author: AmBear Shellea
Publisher: Devine Destinies
Release date: August 15, 2012
Genre: Adult Romance/Fantasy
Warnings: Strong Language. Adult Content.
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Other Novels: First Novel
Book Trailer: Chaos Unleashed
Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, Goodread
Author Site: Pedalstem Lillies Series & Devine Destines
Buying Locations: Amazon & Devine Destines

This isn’t your mother’s sweet love story and it’s not your sister’s fairytale. Chaos Unleashed is dark, dangerous, and highly addictive. You will share in every experience the hero and heroine have, as their quest for the truth leads them to the hateful dark void that threatens to consume their souls.
Pedalstem is shrouded in darkness, leaving Castle Deverox in a vortex of confusion. Blaze awakens to find men she doesn’t know looming over, intent on capture, a handsome prisoner sharing her fate, and the gut tightening knowledge that her memories have been stolen.




This book was generously donated for review by the lovely author.
Run! Her instincts urged her further, faster, deeper into the woods.
That’s the first line of Chaos Unleashed. The story starts at a run, literally, and never stops. We meet Blaze (a name I’ve always liked). She’s the Queen of Pedalstem. She’s everything a Queen should be, loved, cherished and deeply respected. When evil threatens to destroy her kingdom, she’s left no choice but to do what any Queen would do. No, I won’t tell you what that is. It’s part of the expertly woven mystery Ms. Shellea has created.
This book is listed under fantasy, and as I’ve said before, I don’t normally like fantasy too much because it takes a special kind of author to really pull me into the genre. Chaos Unleashed had no problems doing that. There were times I didn’t even think I was reading fantasy, but watching a movie or a TV show. It was all just so real.
Unfortunately, I can’t say Blaze was my favorite character. I liked her spirit and her loyalty, but my favorite character was Arabella. She was awesome. Reminded me a little of my sister, which made me smile a lot.
OH! And we can’t forget Demarko, our rugged, handsome and ridiculously funny hero. I was never sure if I wanted to slap him or kiss him. He was just too much fun to read. I am eagerly waiting for Revelation! The cliffhanger Ms. Shellea left us dangling off of… so… not… funny! But it certainly worked. I’m anxiously waiting for the next installment!!
So, in conclusion:
Will I read the next book? Yes.
Will I tell my friends about this book? Yes.
Did I enjoy it? Yes.