The Sky Is Falling! Wait, No, That’s Just A Concussion.

What an interesting day I’ve had. First, while volunteering at my kids school, I smacked my head against the corner of a wall display while bending down to pick some things up from underneath. My ears were ringing for an hour, and the top of my head is still throbbing. Then, on my way home, I got pegged by a falling acorn. I mean seriously!? It’s not my day clearly, but all in all, I made it home without further incident.

Now, on to some exciting news! I have decided to join the writing contest on Writer’s Digest. I cannot tell you how giddy I am. It’s due on Oct. 1st, so I need to put the peddle to the metal!

Nevertheless, I’m not concerned. After all, the plot hit me on the head… literally! Now, all I have to do is write it out and send it off with the $20 submission fee. This will be my first contest so I honestly can’t wait!


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