Autocorrect thinks I’m obsessed w/ducks.

The title of this is kind of misleading as there is no typical day in my house. With two kids at home and one extremely homesick college freshman that facetimes me at least three times a day, any project is usually interrupted. I’ve learned as an author and mom to not only multitask but to be adaptable and just “go with the flow” when something knocks me off course.
So, here is Sunday, anything but typical, but no less hectic.

The day always begins with writing. Right now I’m working on three different projects, so at any time of the day you will find me in my “writer’s cave” plotting out a storyline. One thing is constant, you will NEVER find me at my computer without a bag of Cheetos. Today, (gasp) I found myself out of my beloved puffed Cheetos so I had to resort to the crunchy version. I’m not sure how this affected my plot.

Plotting got interrupted by a facetime call from the previous mentioned homesick college freshman. It’s been a hard transition since she left in August and moved four hours away. We are super close and used to doing everything together. She’s adjusting, but seeing her face always brightens the day. (Until she asks for money…)

Back to the grind. After a short break, I’m back at the computer making sure that our Sunday Author Spotlight is up and running for the blog I run with best friend and fellow author KA Ware. Twisted Bitches Book Blog is our baby that we launched in June of this year. We love promoting new and existing authors and supporting our indie community.

No day would be complete without snap chatting previously mentioned bestie, KA Ware. Current favorite is the deer filter with the voice changer. This back and forth will usually go on all night in between writing sessions. Working out plots and character profiles while looking like Bambi is highly entertaining. I recommend it.
My youngest son gets ready to head out to his baseball practice. Luckily his dad took him so I could continue to write. He’s nine so he’s getting to that age where he’s shy about kissing mom, especially on camera. He’s super cute though, and my favorite athlete.

Lots of writing time today and I got a lot accomplished, even with my interruptions. Time for bed, but it’s not time for sleep. I always end the night with my Kindle. Being an author doesn’t mean I stop reading. Quite the opposite…I crave my reading time even more. If the book draws me in sometimes I’ll look at the clock at it will be four in the morning…ooops! Since the kids have school tomorrow, let’s hope I can cut myself off. I’m off to book world, y’all. Peace!
Cora Kenborn writes romantic suspense novels with strong, sassy heroines, complex Alphas, and harrowing danger with snappy banter. She is the author of the rock star stalker series, Lords of Lyre (Limitless Publishing), of which the first book, Fame and Obsession, will be published October 2016. Volume 2, Fame and Secrets, is scheduled to be released in spring 2017. She’s currently crafting a new series in the mafia/cartel genre intertwining the worlds of organized crime and southern politics. Cora lives in Eastern North Carolina and is a true Southern girl, growing up on sweet tea, front porches, and the simple life. She says “y’all,” “fixin’ to,” and should you deserve it, will “bless your heart.” She’s the proud mother of two kids at home, one extremely missed college freshman, and the wife of a husband who tolerates her chaotic writer’s cave. Although reading is her passion, she can usually be found watching true crime shows and crafting inspiration for twisted new tales. Cora admits to being a horrible cook, an even worse baker, and believes she’s more dangerous with a hot glue gun than any weapon on earth. Oh, and she and autocorrect are mortal enemies. Cora welcomes all online author stalking.
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