Fall in love again & again
A day in the life of….me (Jessi Gibson). Wife, mommy, author, dog walker, house cleaner, tired person. Are you ready for a glimpse into my crazy life? First, I’ve been married for 11 wonderful years to the man of my dreams. We have one amazing son(C), and now a dog named Max. Aside from writing, I wear many hats, as you saw in the first sentence of this crazy post.
Most days, well all of them except two, start at the ungodly hour of 6 am. I mean who decided that 6 am even needed to be a time? Let alone a time for reasonable adults to have to wake up. I like my sleep, like a lot. I “like like” it, I want to marry it and have little sleep babies with it. But I love the little human who came out of my body more than that, so it’s up and at em far too early for my liking, Aaaannnnyyywwwaayyyys….Most mornings start with a mad dash of waking up C and Max and getting ready for the school day. Making chocolate milk, feeding the dog, laying out clothes, making a lunch and issuing threats about what needs to be eaten from said lunch, then out to walk the dog and hop in the car all before 7 am.
Then comes the quiet, the blissful quiet. For 5 full hours I am alone, aside from the dog, and I can write. Well, I should write…..I want to write. Oh wait, there’s my bed, and it looks so warm and inviting. I’ll just lie down for a quick moment and then be productive, says every mom alive. After I will myself away from my bed, I sit at my laptop at the kitchen table. Yes, I do have an awesome office with a pretty desk, but I never seem to go in there. Lately I’ve been heavy in edits and rewrites, so it’s a lot of me staring at the screen with narrowed eyes.
After that, it’s another trip outside with my furry companion to pee and roll around in the grass, and just generally act like a weirdo. He really is a weird little dog, which is probably why he fits into our family so well hahaha. I like to take him with me on drop off’s and pick ups, but he gets carsick. We’ve found this out the hard way, all over the back seat.
A couple days a week, I for some crazy reason, volunteered myself to watch about 30 kids after school. I know, I know, I’ll be making an appointment with the neurologist asap! I spend 4 hours telling kids to be good, and not to do anything weird. You wouldn’t think you would have to say “don’t do anything weird” but you do. On the plus side, the kids are pretty awesome, and C gets to be free and run around and play in his own element. Watching him grow and interact with others has been such a pleasure. Being a mom is something I always wanted to be, ever since I was a little girl I imagined what it would be like to have my own child. C is the best kid ever! He’s funny and smart, and so handsome (like his daddy) and he’s just an all around awesome kid. I’m proud to be his mom!
The night time is the best time! Am I right mom’s? Can I get a what, what! After another dog walk, and dinner, and showers and all that, it’s time for snuggles on the couch. I live for snuggles, they make the world go ’round. It’s only a matter of time before these dissappear, so no matter what I’m doing, I stop and spend a few precious minutes with C watching Pokemon or Star Wars.
I feel like I get most of my writing done at night after C is asleep. The house is nice a quiet, and my brain is awake enough to form full sentences. My amazing husband works odd hours sometimes, so having my evenings to myself every now and then has helped me write more in the last few months. I mentioned before that I was in the editing/rewrites stage, and while sometimes that can be a chore, lately it has been so much fun. I’ve gotten to know my characters again, and see the story through a different lens.
We’ve reached the end of my day, and I want to leave you with a final thought.I realized a few months ago that I was unhappy with my writing and couldn’t figure out why. Then it dawned on me, I was sick of writing soul crushing contemporary romance haha. And I was sick of trying to chase the hot genre. So I gave myself permission to write just for me, whatever genre I wanted to. And you know what? I’ve been so happy since I did.
He was her death and she had loved him for it.
Bronwyn Fitzgibbons had run from her maker for twenty years, but he had found her again. Seeing Ronan brought back all the reasons she shouldn’t love him, but also all the reasons she should.
Bronwyn is caught between Ronan her maker and the one who unchained her darkness, and Rider the vampire who had saved her and fed her humanity. Her heart will be torn apart in loving them both. Can she fight against her darkness or will it consume her?
Lines will be drawn. Battles will be fought. Who will claim her soul in the end?
Grab yours today!!
Join in on Facebook for some release day fun in my fan club!!!! Also feel free to enter this awesome contest!! All info and graphics for the contest can be found in my Facebook fan group!
Here is where you can find me, if you so choose 😉
Enjoy thise snuggles because yes they will be gone soon.
I’m not looking forward to that day at all 🙁 I’m so blessed with C, he’s a remarkable little boy <3
I’ve seen a lot of authors recommend writing writing for yourself and I think that’s really the only way you can do it for a long period of time and not end up completely miserable. Who wants to spend all of their time working on what’s ‘hot’ when they have an idea that they love bubbling in their head?
Thanks for sharing busy woman 🙂
Right? I was forcing myself to write these stories and then deleting them because you could tell it was forced. I have to say I’m having a ton of fun writing right now, and even if no one ever buys it, I still had fun 🙂
I love all your pictures!
Thanks Julie 🙂
First, love your books and second I love sleep too 🙂 and oh yeah coffee keeps me going. Happy writing.
Thank you Kristi!!! Coffee makes the world happen on a daily basis right?
Love your book, so exciting. No wonder you are a tuckered toad when we talk at night. 🙂
Love you T!!!!