Today’s Affirmation: I love myself no matter what anyone thinks.
May today be one of inspiration, love, happiness and so much laughter for you and the people you love. Also, if you have any photos you would like to share, I would love to see them!!!
Airicka here with a fun, new podcast: HEY, IT’S AIRICKA CALLING!
Okay, so, why do we not treat ourselves the way we treat those around us?
So, I talked to a few co-workers and friends and the consensus seemed to be the same:
- I’m not as important.
- I don’t really have time to think about myself.
- I try to…
- Because as women, we were raised to think of others before ourselves. We’re taught to give everything, to be nurturing and giving to the point where we no longer have the capability to put ourselves first.
You’ll be amazed at what you attract after you start believing in what you deserve.
Whatever your reason is behind your empty cup doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t make you less. You’re generous and kindhearted, and those are not flaws. They are — however — limiting. You are putting so much of yourself into everyone else’s cup that you have nothing because no one is putting anything back into yours, and you are a person deserving of everything beautiful and abundant.
A few weeks ago, I picked up The Nice Girl Syndrome by Beverly Engel. In the book, she explains the makings of ‘a nice girl’, and our limiting beliefs. She put different situations together and, from the outside looking in, you can see how horrible and frightening the women’s situations are, but they stay for one reason or another. A few of the descriptions really hit home for me and made me take a closer look at the way others were treating me.
My biggest flaw has always been my inability to say no. It didn’t matter how big or small the request, I would drop whatever I was doing and put the other person first because I really just wanted to be helpful and kind.
After reading the book, I stopped agreeing to take on other people’s workloads on top of mine. I stopped agreeing to take their Friday night shifts for the ninth week in a row. Those ‘friends’ mysteriously vanished from my life shortly after. That’s how I knew that it wasn’t me they cared about, but what I could do for them. So, they helped weed out the people I could do without in my life.
But is being too nice a thing?? IT IS! Let me tell you. It is such a thing. It’s a good and terrible thing. I am not telling you to stop being nice, but be careful and remember, YOU ALWAYS FIRST! This is a plane scenario: put the oxygen mask over your face before helping others. It’s a habit I am still working on. I still have to catch myself occasionally and remind myself I am worth more than that, that my only job in life isn’t to be a people-pleaser.
If you haven’t already, check out my How Changing 5 Things Changed My Whole Day! post
The reason I’m dropping this post on Christmas is because Christmas is one of the biggest stress factors for many of us. Christmas is the one day of the year we really go all out to forget ourselves and put others first! So, I am here to tell you, you’re not alone, there is nothing wrong with you, do what makes YOU happy!! And never, ever sacrifice your cup for anyone else.
That’s everything for today! I hope you have an incredible weekend, and a wonderful start to your New Year. I love you so much!