No? Just me? Seriously?!
I should maybe start this whole post by disclosing that I am NOT a technical person. By technical I mean technology savvy.
| True story |
Kid you not, I actually asked my kids to get me on the Xbox internet.
Like I was waving the remote at them, demanding they get me on the internet while they kept insisting that I was and that was how the Xbox worked. But I meant I needed the browser part. They just stood there, side glancing at each other like: she’s finally lost it.
So, there you have it. I should not be trusted with computer things, which is the only excuse I have for my whole day yesterday.
Okay, total disclosure, I have no idea how it happened. I even want to say that it wasn’t my fault, but my track record suggests otherwise, so . . . yeah. . .
Just want to send a quick shout out to Calvin. You’re the man. Seriously, I’d bake you cookies, but since that might be too weird, here’s my thank you.
Not knowing what happened exactly, the most I can tell you is that there will be some changes on my website. I think. 🤔 Basically, I did something and something happened and the whole system revolted. There was a white screen of death and everything. From what I semi understand, I was locked out of the page after updating some plugins.
So, right after flipping the frig out, I calmed down and called Calvin, who immediately went into action hero mode and did some computer ninja stuff (and tried to explain it to me, but I was like, durrr . . . I like cake 🤤). Long, awkward story short, he magicked that shit and got my site back. 🎉
YAY Calvin!
But he didn’t stop there, which astounded me to begin with. He reprogrammed (or something) my website the way I’ve always wanted, but could never figure out. Basically, the website is no longer AirickaPhoenix.com/author/ which it has been for however long I’ve had it, a fact I always hated. Now, it’s a simple and brilliant, AirickaPhoenix.com *boom!*
Also, the post links now actually have the blog post titles, which just makes my whole life. See for yourself *points excitedly to browser link* It’s butterful, isn’t it? 😍
The only thing left to do is redo my shop (which is temporarily down until I can figure it out) and I need to go through all SIX HUNDRED posts and tweak any link/image with AirickaPhoenix.com/author/ in it. Not hard. Easy-peasy.
Yeah, no. Who am I kidding. I didn’t do that. I changed the first like twenty posts and a few of the main pages. I’m going to attempt to go through the entire site, but that’s going to take a while. One of my biggest concern is all the links out there on the net that will no longer work. Definitely makes me want to cry a little, but there’s nothing I can do about that, except update all future links. 😔 So, if you come across a link that no longer takes you where it should, let me know.
Are you tech savvy? What’s the worst technology fail you’ve ever had?
I think that’s everything. Be sure to subscribe to my website and get automatically notified every time a new update goes live and don’t forget to hit the share button below, because sharing is fun and we’re fun people! If you have questions, ideas, or just want to say hey, leave me a comment in the box . . . also below.
This is Airicka saying, until next time, thanks for hanging out and I will see you soon.
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