#AmCurrently | Daring the Babysitter

When it’s right, it’s right, except when you have a secret to hide.

I know 2018 is nearly over and I had hoped I would get a few pieces out before the end. Unfortunately, that never came to pass. Can you believe I haven’t published anything at all this year? Nothing. Not even a blog post.

Maybe a blog post? *Goes to check* Okay, yes, I have posted a few updates, but no books, which makes me super sad.

But I’m making up for that {YAY!}. I’m trying to get my secret project out. lol. I posted about it ages ago. You can find the ACTUAL POST HERE. It was posted back in like 2017, so, clearly very behind.

So, basically, the line up was supposed to go as follows:

Protector’s Claim ➜ http://ow.ly/xkQ130gxyur

Secret Project (to be announced) ➜ http://bit.ly/2hrfaiQ

Touching Embers ➜ http://bit.ly/2w8Fz9l

Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s get semi back on track, shall we?

So, PROTECTOR’S CLAIM is already out, has been since November 2017. One off the list!

Next on the list is the secret project, which I mentioned in my OCTOBER CALENDAR, is a set of four books. The first in the set is DARING THE BABYSITTER, a fun, sexy tale about secrets and the consequences that follow when those secrets are revealed. Don’t let that bit of ominous teasing deter you. It’s actually a romantic comedy with a delicious twist. 😉 If you’re interested in getting your hands on an early copy when ARCs become available, you’re more than welcome to sign up to be part of my ELITE PROMO TEAM. If you’ve signed up already in the past, you’re already set up, so no worries about doing it again. ^_^

But I’ll have a bit more about DARING THE BABYSITTER in the upcoming weeks as we draw closer to the release. I’ll also get a link out for sign ups to help with the reveal, which I hope you’ll help me with. Otherwise than that, will you be going out this Halloween or staying in? I’ll most likely go out with the kids and get them to get me some candy. 😉 lol

That’s it for this post. I hope I’ve answered some questions. I know there’s some inquiry regarding TOUCHING EMBERS and when I’ll be talking about that, to which I will say very soon. I have a whole post ready to be share just about Fallon & Isaiah. It will be in the next few days. As you can see from the banner, Touching Embers was on the list to be released this year. I think I’m most disappointed about not not having that one out already. But all in good time. ^_^ I’m doing the best I can and I love you so much for hanging in there with me. Thank you!

So, until next time…