WELCOME TO FIVE FREE FRIDAY!! Books! Books! Books! What more do you need when there's an epidemic taking place and your book supply is dwindling? Well, you get more books.…
What can be said regarding April that isn't already known? It's common knowledge that April is the fourth month of the year, the birthstone is the diamond, and the honorary…
Make your life, and writing easier. There is very little in the world that doesn't have its own app, or two. The saying, there's an app for that isn't a…
IT'S BIRTHDAY TIME! Who doesn't love a birthday? It's the day something special and wonderful was created and brought into the world. In this case, it's the day I got…
PROLOGUE It was the agonizing pain that woke her the next morning. It was the violent drumming inside her skull and the taste of carpet in her mouth. The world…
But could you imagine if it did? I mean, that alone would make this post epic. Although, I probably wouldn't be a fan of the flies and shedding. Granted, I…