Title: Dirty GambitSeries: StandaloneRelease Date: October 8, 2021Genre: Dark ContemporaryPages: 426 For a girl with no family, no job and a rap sheet as long as her arm, eighteen-year-old Angelina…
IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!!!! Dirty Gambit is set to be released October 2021 and I am so excited. I absolutely love Jaxon and Lena. It was so much fun stepping into…
If you've been following me on INSTAGRAM, you saw my post about organization and keeping track of my writing and posting using a content calendar. It's been instrumental in keeping…
Good morning beautiful! Let me start this post off with a massive thank you to everyone who picked up the call on Friday and signed up for my new newsletter…
THE TITLE SAYS IT ALL! But just in case you missed it: TOUCHING EMBERS HAS A RELEASE DATE!! Please give me a moment to cease my flailing. This will be…