Book Name: Destine
Author: Katherine Polillo
Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing
Release date: August 5, 2012
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal
Warnings: Unavailable
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Other Novels: First Novel
Book Trailer: Unavailable
Social Networks: Twitter, Facebook, GoodRead
Author Site: Website
Buying Locations: Amazon
Michelle Cross is an average, seventeen year old girl growing up in a small town in New Jersey. Up until her senior year, her life has consisted of a rather unglamorous existence. Her closet friend Cami has been by her side since kindergarten, she has a loving if somewhat absente father, and a mother who is unique to say the least. Michelle’s mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia when she was twelve years old, and ever since then she has had delusions of angels and demons battling over her only child. Michelle accepts her mother’s delusions as schizophrenic ramblings, until a handsome new boy finds her at school. Little by little Michelle’s world is turned upside down. The new boy claims to be the Archangel Gabriel cast from heaven, her best friend falls for the Antichrist, and come to find out Michelle’s mother has seen it coming all along. So instead of being consumed with prom and graduation, Michelle finds herself battling the evils of Hell in her small town. The four horsemen of the apocalypses have descended on her high school and with the help of Gabriel, her very own angel; she must stop the events leading to the apocalypse. What surprises Michelle even more than her role in saving humanity is the love that develops between Gabriel and herself. Can their love bridge the world between heaven and earth? Can Michelle stop the powers of Hell in time? Michelle and Gabriel find themselves the pawns in a very dangerous game between an ancient power with a mysterious message and Satan himself.
(Excerpt from GoodRead)

This book was generously donated to me by the author, Katherine Polillo, in return for a fair and honest review.
Disturbingly twisted doesn’t even come close to describing this novel. I read it in a single night because it was just too traumatic to stop, to look away. This is, in my opinion, not a book for everyone. It’s dark, much darker than I find a lot of YA authors write. I personally liked that. It wasn’t grotesque or over the top horrific. It was beautiful woven.
Michelle is our heroine. She’s a 17-yr-old high school student. And her best friend, Cami. Then we meet Gabriel Mr. omg-swoon himself and everything changes. This book was incredible. It was beautiful. It was dark and twisted and it was romantic and I loved Michelle. I usually have a very hard time liking the female lead, but she was perfect. Ms. Polillo did an amazing job with this book and I look forward to more from her in the future.
In conclusion:
Will I read the next book? YES.
Will I tell my friends about this book? Yes.
Did I enjoy it? Yes.
About The Author
Katherine Polillo originally planned to grow-up and run away with the circus, but after realizing that she had a debilitating fear of heights that squashed her dreams of being a tight ropewalker, she instead pursued a career in education. She currently teaches high school history and fabricates fictional stories in her free time. She never really out grew her imaginary friends stage, and instead has created lives and stories for the creations of her imagination to live in. When she is present in reality and not off on an adventure with her imaginary friends, she lives in a small, New Jersey town with her husband and their two spoiled rotten, ungrateful cats.