- Wait! I’ve Lost My Introversion — ✔️
- Touch Saga With A Regulus Hijacking — ✔️
- Friday Letters, A Smutty Indulgence
I’m a strong believer of the paranormal. I believe in haunted places and people, demons, angels, etc. But not aliens. I mean, I do to a point. I believe there has to be other “beings” out there. The galaxy is too big to think we’re the only organisms. I just have a harder time taking them seriously.

But the reason I’m bringing this up now is because I asked you on Tuesday if you would believe your significant other (or kid) if they told you they were seeing ghosts. The response was pretty impressive. If you haven’t already commented with your response, I would love to hear it. Just follow the Facebook link below.
When I was younger, the first movie to ever make me stay up at night was *surprise, surprise* The Exorcist. I don’t think I need to point out why — I was nine. Much more recently, I watched Hereditary and, I kid you not, I almost shit myself. Not at first, but like the next day.

Okay, before you judge me, let me explain.
I got through the movie thinking, WTF?! This isn’t scary. Pssshh. Then, at some point the next day, my brain was like, HOLY CRAP! What did we just watch?! Suddenly, it was all I could think about and the more I did, the more freaked out I became. It was insane.
Every time I’m scared, I remind myself I have two enormous dogs who will protect me. Then I remember all the movies where the pets are killed first by the malicious spirit and that hope dies.
Anyway, I love horror movies. I really do. The Conjuring is probably one of my favorites. Let’s not even mention Hellraiser. For a better list of all my favs, visit my Top Ten Favorite Horror Creatures.
But I’m veering off topic. 😬 This post isn’t even about horror movies, as hard as that is to believe. I wanted to show off my new web layout. TA DA! What do you think? I included all the things I hope will make things easier in a way that is more convenient to find. It’s not a “new” design exactly. I’ve used it before, but I added some changes. 😊 I hope you like it.
I’m working on a little side project that isn’t entirely a new idea by me, but one I want to tweak a little and expand on. I do want to make it a regular thing as well, maybe like once a month with collaboration by other authors. I’m getting the actual write up done now and getting people signed up. With the holidays coming up, it might not be something that happens until early next year, but that just gives me more time to really work out the kinks.
If you do know an author who might be interested in a stress-free project to promote their books, send them this post and tell them to keep an eye out for the sign up sheet, which I should have soon.
I’ve been struggling with writing this week. I hate admitting that. It’s not that I have a block or that I don’t know where the story is going. It’s working two jobs, kids, and just finding time to breathe. It’s honestly the most depressing feeling in the world. But I’m determined. That’s the only way to make your dream work, right? You make time, you push through the bumps, and you persevere. Just wish me luck. lol.
I think that’s everything. Be sure to subscribe to my website and get automatically notified every time a new update goes live and don’t forget to hit the share buttons below, because sharing is fun and we’re fun people! If you have questions, ideas, or just want to say hey, leave me a comment in the box . . . also below.
This is Airicka saying, until next time, thanks for hanging out and I will see you soon. 🖤

I love that you keep on keeping on babe!! <3