#LiveYourRomanceGiveaway | Swayed to Write TRANSCENDING DARKNESS
I had someone ask if it was cake. They live in the UK. I’m not sure how that would have all played out if it had been, but sure. Let’s pretend it’s cake. 😃
A while back (I want to say two, three … maybe ten, weeks ago) I put out a questionnaire asking my readers to ask me some questions regarding my books. They could be absolutely about anything, including spoilers (which I probably wouldn’t have posted, but I I’m always curious to hear what you guys are thinking when reading one of my novels). Nevertheless, you guys came back with a massive ton of questions and it took me ages to organize, because a few of you asked the same ones.
Did you kill Killian at the end of Transcending Darkness. ANSWER BELOW!
So, at some point, I enlisted myself as the person most capable of answering these questions in an orderly and correct manner. There was an argument between me, myself, and I where voices were raised, lives were threatened, and someone lost an eye (no, it wasn’t I 😜 har har, see what I did there?). In the end, we reached a conclusion we could all live with.
We’re going to take one question, the one asked the most by you (my beautiful and wonderful readers) and I’m going to answer them throughout the month of February, excluding weekends. These will be included with a giveaway at the very end which will consist of a mystery box filled with goodies. Hooray!
Let’s begin, shall weeeee?
Transcending Darkness Most Asked Question
It’s actually a very funny story. I was out for a walk, listening to my walk music, which can also double as my fight music if necessary. I had an idea swirling around in my head, but I couldn’t piece it together. I really wanted to write something dark and twisted, yet at the same time, I really worried about how my readers would react to something like that from me. It was a new territory and I wanted to make sure I reflected on it properly.
Ever notice how things just come together when you’re listening to music, especially the right kind of music? Like everyone has that one song that really speaks to them on a level that’s almost surreal, or is that just me???🤔
But there I was, walking along, fists bunched (don’t ask me why. That’s just how I walk. Apparently, it always looks like I’m marching into battle, or mowing down zombies) 😶 when my jam came on and it was as if someone had kicked open a door. The images that flooded in were as clear as day. I’m not going to tell you what I say, because I can SHOW YOU!
Now, if you’ve read Transcending Darkness, you’ll know immediately which scene I’m talking about. If you haven’t, don’t worry. There are no spoilers, but definitely grab your copy today. It’s only $0.99 everywhere digital copies are sold. Paperbacks are also available. I’ll have those links for you in a tick.
Before we jump into the scene, I just want to introduce Killian, Juliette, and Transcending Darkness to those who haven’t had the chance.
Killian McClary, mob boss, alpha hero, dominating lover, and broken soul stalked into life August 29, 2015 and hooked roots in the hearts of readers everywhere. TRANSCENDING DARKNESS hit #1 in the UK, US, and Canada (I love you guys so much! Thank you!). BookBub recommends it if you’re looking for 9 New Books to Read If You Love ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’, (thank you BoobBub!). It was mentioned, shared, and loved by so many, more than I can possibly count or thank properly (so THANK YOU so, so much!).
“I don’t need a job,” she told him matter of factly. “And what I do want, it’s not list in the second contract.”
One hand lifted. The elbow was propped against the armrest as the fingers curled lightly near his mouth. He studied her from over the curves of his knuckles, his eyes dark with challenge.
“And what is it you want, Juliette?”
Self-consciousness had her gaze flicking away for a split second before she bolted down her courage and faced him squarely.
Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s get right to it, shall we???
Do you remember when…
Killian takes Juliette to dinner for the first time and they dance? That scene was the very first chapter I wrote for the book. It was the scene that came to me with such clarity that I couldn’t think of anything else. And that scene was inspired by a song I’d been listening to during my walk and it’s the song I always imagine when I think of the book. Everything about it — in my mind — speaks of Killian & Juliette. ❤️️
Let’s play a game!
Read the scene below while playing the song and tell me in the comments below if you can see the scene, too. 😊
©2015 by Airicka Phoenix
All rights reserved.
“All right, I’m going to show you how to waltz.”
Juliette laughed. “Waltz? Are we in the seventeen hundreds?” Her eyes narrowed. “How do you know how to waltz?”
“I know many things,” he remarked airily.
“Are you any good?” she wondered as he positioned her across from him.
“I am always good.”
Juliette rolled her eyes. “Of course. All right. How do we start?”
“First, I need one hand here…” He took her left hand and set it on his shoulder. Once properly in place, he dropped his palm to her waist. “And the other here.” He clasped her free hand in his. He positioned them a proper foot width away. “Now, you have to imagine a box on the floor around our feet. It’s big enough for both of us to move easily around in it. When we start, I will move my left foot forward while you move your right foot back. Then we count three beats and move together right.”
“My right or your right?”
Nodding that she understood, she braced herself.
“Ready? One … Two … three … and back…”
It wasn’t so hard. It was basically line dancing, but in the same four spots, not that it stopped her from stomping on his toe or tripping over her own feet. Killian held her up and patiently guided her through the next step. The whole thing was made a hundred times better by the fact that he kept her laughing. Most of her missteps were due to her inability to keep upright when her body kept doubling over.
“I won’t lie,” Killian said at one point. “You are a horrible dancer.”
“Shut up!” Panting, she wiggled her shoulders and tried to portray a look of confidence that was horribly skewered by the peal of giggles threatening to burst out. “Maybe you’re just a horrible instructor.”
He sniffed indignantly. “Unlikely. I’m a McClary and thus born with the natural graces of a swan.”
There was no stopping the roar that exploded from her. Her head flung back as the sound exploded from deep in her thorax. Tears welled and spilled down her cheeks in a hot stream. Her legs abandoned her to be held up solely by his hands. Against her temple, Killian’s chuckle warmed the skin. It ruffled her hair. His chest rumbled against hers as she sagged into him. At one point, she was no longer even making a sound, just an odd jittering that raked through her entire body.
“Okay…” She wheezed air into her lungs and struggled to straighten. “Okay, teach me that leg curvy thing.”
“Leg curvy thing?”
Wiping her eyes, she nodded. “That thing with the leg going around her partner’s leg.”
He considered this a moment. “I think you’re thinking of ballroom dancing. We’re waltzing.”
She wrinkled her nose at him. “Show me!”
His eyes narrowed warily. “I don’t know if I want to. You might accidentally kick me in the crotch and I might strangle you.”
She broke out in another fit of giggles at the thought. “I’ll be careful.”
He didn’t look convinced, but he stepped back once he was certain she could stand on her own feet.
“I’ll spin you out, then back in, and when I do, you hook your outer leg around mine.”
Nodding that she understood, she waited for the tug as he spun her out fluidly under his arm. Then, with an equally perfect jerk, he spun her back into his chest. But rather than execute a flawless leg twist, she slammed into him, nearly sending them both to the ground.
“Again!” she demanded. “I almost had it.”
It was his turn to laugh, but he obliged. He even did it slower so she had time, but it wasn’t as easy as it always looked on TV. By the time her head stopped spinning, she’d missed her step, which was another tricky matter entirely. In the end, she never got it and wound up just hooking her leg around his hip for the hell of it without the turns.
“Do you think we’re ready to compete professionally?”
Killian snorted a chuckle. “Maybe if you show a bit more leg.”
“And boobs,” she added.
“Definitely boobs,” he agreed. “You certainly have nice ones.”
Laughing, she pulled away. “Our food is cold.”
“Do you want to eat or see what I have planned next?”
Juliette’s eyes widened. “There’s more?”
His answer was a grin as he took her hand and led her away from the magical room with the nearly melted candles.
*sigh* I just love that scene.
And there you have it, the thing that inspired me to write Transcending Darkness was The Pussycat Doll’s song, Sway. I absolutely love this song and I love that it was what got me to share Killian and Juliette with you.
I hope I’ve answered that question to your liking. If you have a follow up question, drop it into the comments below. I look forward to seeing it. In the meantime … we have one more unresolved question, the one shown above.
If you haven’t read Transcending Darkness, do NOT READ THIS.
Killian and Juliette do not die. In order to protect Juliette and their family, Killian fakes their deaths. They leave the country and start over somewhere they can be together forever, but to the world, they are dead. 😊
Enter the giveaway!
FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! You can share and enter as often as you like, daily, in fact. The more you enter, the higher your chances!!! 🎉
That’s it for this round. Be sure to return tomorrow for our next question! Until then…