Today’s Affirmation: I create a flow of positive energy in my life.
Hello my darlings,
Airicka here with a fun, new podcast called AIRICKA CALLING! I have been wanting to do this for ages. I hope you like it. Don’t forget to leave me a comment below, or you can find me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and let me know your thoughts, if you have any questions, or suggestions. I cannot wait to hear from you. ^_^
Things to expect on the show: lots of book talk. Updates on upcoming projects and my own personal growth. It’s going to be really exciting!
I love this time of year when the night is longer and the day shorter. It definitely felt that way today. But more than that, I love the cozy traditions of hanging oranges dipped in bird seeds on the trees, lighting a fire, and just snuggling down for a fun evening with my loved ones. It’s the perfect night for an all nighter of movies. 🤣
Also, also, before I forget, I made a boo-boo on the audio about today being December 20 *facepalm* please ignore that 🤣 I very seldomly know what day it actually is, so please don’t hold that against me! 🤣
But I love you so very much! Happy Yule, and if we don’t chat before Christmas, Happy Christmas, Happy *belated* Hanukkah!