If you somehow missed it, it’s Thanksgiving in Canada. *YAY!* Exciting times. And not so much.
So, here’s the thing, for as long as I can remember, I’ve never liked turkey. I definitely hate cranberries and anything pumpkin makes me groan and back away. As you can imagine, this makes deciding what to have for Thanksgiving a bit complicated. It for sure started a few . . . questionable traditions.
When I was younger, my mom would drag me and my brother to the farm. This happened at least twice a year. She’d bundle us up, stuff us into the car of whichever relative she’d talked into making the trip (my mom didn’t drive), and she’d haul us out of the city straight to certain horrors.
The first time, I had no idea what was happening, only that we were surrounded by a bunch of cute and fluffy animals and I got to pet a few. As a kid, I was psyched!
If you haven’t figured out what’s about to happen, you might want to brace yourself.
So, there I was, this bright eyed, rosy cheeked child of thirteen, fourteen bundled up in a red parka and blue boots (this was October in Canada. There was already ten feet of snow on the ground), looking into the gentle eyes of these clueless animals and praying my mom would let me bring one home.
Spoiler alert — she did … Just not the way I’d hoped. 😬
So, when I was asked which one I liked, I couldn’t point fast enough at all my favorites
Seriously, no kid should ever possess that much power!
Anyway, I’m not going to scar you with what happened next. Let’s just say, it wasn’t a petting zoo. But that was the first time I got to see where we got our freezer order from.
I wish I could say Thanksgiving that year laid the foundation for why I hate turkey, but it isn’t. We had a rule in our house: if you didn’t eat what you were given, you didn’t eat. Period. So, no matter my feelings on the matter, I would be eating it. Plus, I wasn’t so young that I didn’t know where the meat at the store came from. It had just been super surprising.
But the reason I don’t like turkey is because I just don’t. There. I said it. I just don’t. It’s the one meat, I will eat reluctantly. As a well known carnivore, that surprises people. But we all have our quarks, right? Right?!
Okay, moving on.
So, you might be wondering, Well, Airicka, if you’re not having turkey, cranberries, or pumpkin with your Thanksgiving dinner, then what do you plan on feeding your children?
Yup, we are having roast, potatoes, and carrots. For dessert, apple pie and ice cream. Take that social norm! 😎
Truth is, I promised the kids all the “Thanksgiving” foods for Christmas. That’s how things work at my house. We alternate turkey with not turkey because my kids are freaking amazing and understand my . . . uniqueness.
Is turkey a must in your family?
What do you absolutely have to have at the table on Thanksgiving?
Oh! Fun new thing. Look over here!
I don’t know if you had a chance to peek at my October Calendar, but I mentioned wanting to go into 2019 with a very simple layout revealing all the information I want to put out for you. I did a lot of tweaking and came up with the idea to just share my personal checklist, goals, deadlines, and random thought ideas with you. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
- Write blurb for Daring the Babysitter — ✔️
- Set up page on website for Daring the Babysitter
- Reread & edit Touching Ember blog post — ✔️
- Write blog post for Dirty Gambit
- Make cover for Daring the Babysitter
- Happy Thanksgiving, Canada — ✔️
- 10 Reasons I Can’t Finish A Book
- Inspiration Behind Dirty Gambit
- My October Book Pile
I think I can do it. I mean, I’m two down, three to go. That’s not too shabby, right? I feel like I should add so much more to this list, honestly. But I also know myself and I know if I do, I’ll just freak myself out and get overwhelmed and stressed. So, top five things at a time. I feel a whole lot more accountable sharing this with you as well, a sense of purpose, if you will. So, thanks for that!
But I think that’s everything for the week. Be sure to subscribe to my website and get automatic updates every time a new update goes live and don’t forget to hit the share button below. If you have questions, ideas, or just want to say hey, leave me a comment in the box.
Until next time, HAPPY THANKSGIVING,