Self-Care has never been so important. With the world in self-isolation, our freedom paralyzed and our sanity in the balance, there are days it feels like the quarantine will never end. That this will forever be our lives.
Stop. Stop those thoughts and take a deep breath.
At the moment, there is literally nothing any of us can do, except keep our mind, body, and spirit calm, healthy, and balanced. In return, it will keep you in the state of wellness you need to get through this. Also, it will keep you from murdering anyone. No one looks good in orange.
There are five things I pay very close attention to every morning and throughout the day during my little check-ins with myself. These can be done while washing the dishes, or taking ten minutes alone in a room by myself. I can’t express how important these little check-ins are. They align all the pieces of me, like a puzzle.
Everyone self-cares in their own way. I have friends who go for a walk (a bit dodgy now). Some will read a book, others bake. It’s human nature to turn to the thing that gives us the most comfort and throw ourselves into it. Unfortunate, after a while, those routines become tedious and a hassle. That’s why I’m sharing this post!

All our stress starts with emotions. When we feel scared, trapped, alone, angry, these are emotions that trigger the rest of us into falling apart. It’s important to get our emotions in check before we can work on the rest.
When I feel that build in my chest, that balloon that seems to expand whenever the outside world starts closing in around me, I close my eyes and breathe. Now, calming breaths aren’t like normal breaths. There’s a pace and rhythm to it. I have this little guy saved on my phone and on my computer so it’s always nearby when I need a counter.


So, your pulse is level again, but your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, fears, and doubts. Your breathing will have been for nothing if you propel yourself back into a panicked state. This is where a distraction comes in. I like burning candles. I like watching the flames and really letting myself focus on its motions. I have a shelf set up in my office with photos of my family, poems, and affirmations, things that take me away from my thoughts. I sit myself down, light as many candles as I think it’ll take to properly calm me and practice my breathing again.
This doesn’t work for everyone. Sitting and watching a flame doesn’t erase the worries in your head, unfortunately. There are other steps you can take. Here are a few other things you can also try.
Take a shower — There was something I read a while back that always pops into my head whenever I’m in the shower.
When you’re in the shower, how many others are there with you?
It was such a weird statement. I wasn’t having an orgy, but it went on to explain that when we step into our tub/shower, we’re immediately lost in our problems. We’re thinking about that annoying coworker we can’t stand, the fight we had with our neighbor, the things we disagreed on with our spouse. The list goes on. But basically, we take all those people into our cubical of peace with us.
So, don’t. The moment you’re in there alone, close your eyes, take a deep breath and let your mind think only about you, about your accomplishments, about what makes you happy. Surround yourself with a warm, golden light and let yourself imagine all the things you want to see manifest into your life.
Call/Email/Message a friend — Normally, I would say go out and meet said friend for coffee, shopping, or some lunch. Since that isn’t possible at the moment, call them. It’s scientifically proven that hearing the voice of someone we care about helps calm us. It’s the knowledge that someone you care about is there, listening and offering support. And it helps you maintain your isolation.
Garden — It’s spring! Yes, you can’t go waltzing through the city, but you can go into your yard. You can put on some gloves and do a bit of gardening. Visualize how you want it to look when blossoms begin to bloom. Plus, being so close to nature, feeling the fresh air and sun on your skin, and the earth beneath your hands, it’s the best sort of stress reliever, in my opinion.
Journal — Write it down. Whatever you’re thinking, whatever you’re feeling, put it into words. It’s easier to understand your emotions when it has a name. The act of writing has always been a huge escape for me. Writing down my day, my thoughts, my feelings really helps me understand myself better and take control of what I need to do next.

This seems to be a real concern for many people. Sitting at home makes us bored, and I don’t know about you, but boredom makes me want to eat, and when I’m eating, I’m watching TV. Of course, I feel guilty for sitting and eating, and having nothing to do, so, I sit and eat, and do nothing some more, because I have nothing else to do. It’s a vicious cycle.
Without our access to the gym, our ability to leave our front doors to take a walk, or even going to work, it hits our bodies hard, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it.
Women’s Health Magazine put together an amazing bundle of yoga videos I’ve been going through, and I don’t even do yoga! Before the quarantine, you couldn’t get me into a studio. But I’m learning to broaden my horizons a bit. There are videos for those of us just starting out and they’re roughly 15-30 minutes, which is such a small part of your day.
The 15 Best Yoga Videos On YouTube Have 90 Million Views Between Them
If you’re not into yoga, I say garden. It’s seriously my go to no matter what the season. Can’t go outside? Create your own paradise inside your home and bask in your accomplishment.

This one’s a bit different. A lot of it factors on whether or not you have a tub, the time for a bath and the desire to take a bath. I never liked sitting in a steaming tub of my own … essence, but over the years, I’m finding a certain charm in it, especially when I need half an hour to forget the world and everything in it.
I fill it with my favorite herbs and salts, light some candles, shut off the lights, and sink. I mean that quite literally. I’ll go in all the way to my ears, close my eyes and let everything go.
Please do not do this if you have small children and no one to watch them.
Not only does the water sooth my body, calm my mind, and regulate my breathing, but the water in my ears cancels all outside noises. I’ve never been in a deprivation tank, but it’s as close to that level of relaxation as I feel I’m ever going to get.
Here are a few other little things I do throughout the day that help me stay balanced.
— I keep the lights throughout the house at a calming level.
— I keep non-scented (or you can have scented if you like) candles lit in the room I’m in the most (do not leave candles unattended).
— I keep the house clean, clearing my space of negative energy and gift myself with a sense of calm. Cluttered space fills the mind with frustration and a lack of self-worth. It gets us worked up thinking of all the things we’ve let slip. As an extra step, I’ll burn some sage just to really chase away the bad juju. lol
— I keep a small space reserved just for me filled with things I love, things that make me happy, and things I want in the future as a reminder that my life has purpose and I have goals.
— I keep lavender essential oils in my pocket, a Himalayan salt lamp at my desk, and a journal on my nightstand which I write in every night before going to bed.
— Aside from candles, I love incense, especially dragon’s blood, lavender, and sandlewood. I’ll light a stick and walk through the house with it or let it burn while I’m writing.
How do you self-care?
I would love to hear if there’s something you enjoy doing to bring yourself peace. You can drop your advice in the comments below, send me an email, or find me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and leave me a message.
I think that’s everything. Be sure to subscribe to my website and get automatically notified every time a new update goes live and don’t forget to hit the share buttons below, because sharing is fun and we’re fun people! If you have questions, ideas, or just want to say hey, leave me a comment in the box . . . also below. This is Airicka saying, until next time, thanks for hanging out and I will see you soon. 🖤