You asked and I’m here to deliver.
After my post on Tuesday, I got messages from you guys regarding my affirmations. What they were for, which ones I liked, and even what affirmations were. So, I’m here to give you My Top 11 Favorite Affirmations!
First, let me address the biggest question: what are affirmations? Because I only just realized (between Tuesday’s post and just mentioning it in my day to day) that very few people know what it is. Even less think it’s an actual thing people do. If you’re one of those people, I’m here to tell you …
It’s a real thing!
Affirmations changed my life. I can’t honestly go a day without setting one. Whether it’s just out loud to myself or written out 11 times in my journal (11 is my sacred and beloved number if you haven’t noticed lol), affirmations get me through my day.
But what are they?
MindTools.com says: Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.
Now, I don’t know about you but removing all negative things from my life is a goal I strive to accomplish every day. Who needs it? So, if I can brighten up my mind and my space with just a few words, heck yeah I’m there for it! However, for me, affirmations are a mindset, a mantra of positive thinking that helps channel my thoughts. I’m a firm believer that what you put into the universe comes back to you, so if I’m constantly telling myself I’m miserable and unhappy, that’s what I’m going to get boat loads of. BUT! If I tell myself I’m doing amazing, that I’m successful and happy, and living my absolute best version, that is what I’m going to see around me and in me.
Make sense?
So, affirmations can be anything from reminding yourself you’re strong and confident right before giving a speech to taking a deep breath before getting out of bed and setting your mind on what a radiant day you’re going to have. It literally takes no time and no effort but can impact your life in such a massive way because words have power. Affirmations have super powers (in my opinion lol).

I normally set one a day right before I get out of bed. I might include another one or two throughout the day given how things are going or if I need a boost of courage or patience (used this one a lot over the Black Friday rush 😂). But my morning affirmation is always key. I will write this one into my journal. I will meditate with it before starting my day, and I state it out loud to myself as often as I feel I need to hear it. I even have timers set on my phone to remind me that this affirmation is my goal and I need to keep it on the forefront of my mind.
I usually make up my own based on what I feel I need more of in my life, but Pinterest is a treasure trove of great ones. I’ve used a few myself. My favorites are the ones about self-love, confidence, acceptance and abundance.
I love abundance. I have it in every aspect of my life. I’m abundant in love. I’m abundant in wealth, good fortune, peace, comfort. I am abundant. I just love saying it.
I am abundant.
That right there is an affirmation. You are abundant. You are full of all the amazing things life has given you. You are so abundant, even if it doesn’t feel like it. It’s all about gratitude and believing.
But that’s another blog post for another day 😂.
Affirmations can be as serious or as light as you like, but always watch your wording. What you put into the universe you get back, and you might not like what you get, so be positive, be optimistic and joyful, but above all else, be so grateful. ❤
Okay so, here are My Top 11 Favorite Affirmations.

Use them. Try them out, see how they fit you. You can use your own if you like, just remember to have fun and believe the words you’re putting into the universe.
For other affirmations or to simply read more about it, check out books by:
Let me know if you have a daily affirmation. How often do you recite them a day? Do you find it has impacted your life? I am so excited to hear from you so please comment below or you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Until next time, my beautiful,

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