#PhoenixCollective | February, Live Your Romance
Ignoring the fact that, once upon a time, my dream in life was to be the Pink Power Ranger. There. I said it. I won’t ever say it again.Moving on…
Anyone else notice that we have a Code Red day nearly every other month? 🤔 No? Just me, eh? Okay then.
Well, putting aside the anxiety I’ve now given you, I do have some fun news, because what is scary news without some YAY! Life isn’t so bad news? Am I right? Besides, I know you’re secretly only here to find out what my big surprise is. It’s okay. You can admit it. 😉😉 I’m pretty excited to share it with you anyway. So, win all around!
Growing up, I had a deep fear of cherubs, and grown men in diapers. A rational fear, for obvious reasons, but one that was never shared by those who thought both were … cute? 😳 What?!
So, starting February 1st, I have an entire line up of crazy, cool, and fun contents coming up. If you’re following me on Facebook, then you saw my hint yesterday. If you’re not … *points to link*, life is too short, my friend. Live dangerously!
Ever notice how people tell you, life’s too short! then add, live dangerously. Like, dude, there’s your problem! That right there is why life is too short. 🙄 No, but seriously, you should follow me on Facebook … if you want. 😳
If you haven’t, make sure you mark down Feb 1st. The games, never before shared content, sales, and so much more will be posted here for you to enjoy and share *sharing is caring, and being absolutely amazing, you want to share with all your friends and social media strangers, stalkers, and followers* Let’s Live The Romance this February. Who knows, the perfect gift for that special someone could be just a click away. After all, nothing says I love you forever like getting yourself others the gift of books.
So, I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning. Until then, have you read last week’s #PhoenixCollective & #TuesdayTips? Give them a peek, leave me your thoughts, questions, etc. I really love hearing from you so don’t be a stranger. *waves* Take care and…