REVIEW — The Girl on the Train
**I recommend this book on Audio!**
So, here’s the thing. I saw this book ages ago at my local Chapters and I recall vividly picking it up and reading the jacket. I remember thinking, huh, interesting, but for some reason, I put the book down and kept walking. Don’t ask me why. I think I meant to come back and didn’t. Anyway, I forgot about it. I left the bookstore and that was that.
Until my bestie mentioned the movie. Even then, the book didn’t exactly come to mind, but I went out and grabbed myself a copy after seeing the movie trailer.
Now, the premise of this book is amazing. Paula Hawkins has an intense and graphic story telling voice. I loved the quick pace and I loved how Clare Corbett, Louise Brealey, and India Fisher narrated the voices of Rachel, Anne, and Megan. They did a wonderful job, which is a huge deal for me, especially when reading suspense. No one wants to listen to monotone when a serial killer is on the loose.
But The Girl On The Train is mainly about Rachel, an alcoholic who rides the train around all day. She doesn’t work and she’s about to lose her apartment and her husband has left her for another woman. In a nutshell, Rachel’s life is bleak and miserable. You really feel bad for her in the beginning, especially as her story unfolds.
Rachel has a fascination with strangers, two strangers in particular. She’s given them names and crafted whole lives for them. This part reminded me a little of me, actually. I love watching people at the mall or on the train and wondering who they are and where they’re going. I think it might be normal of everyone, really. But Rachel has another fascination with the pair, one that really turns her whole world upside down.
The girl Rachel has named Jess is actually Megan, a bundle of messed up beyond anything I’ve ever read. Megan is full of secrets, horrible, dark secrets that even I didn’t see coming. She’s married, mildly happily, but Megan has a problem, one I won’t give away.
The last girl in our group is Anne. I absolutely loathed this woman. I honestly thought for the first half of the book that she was the killer. She was certainly calculating and creepy enough for it. She plays an enormous role in Rachel’s life and Megan’s. I won’t lie, I kind of hoped the killer would kill her. I really disliked her.
Now, with how much I really did enjoy the book, I have to confess that it was more of a three and a half star read. Not because of the writing. The writing was beautiful. But because I felt nothing for any of the characters, except Megan, and even that was iffy at the best of times. Rachel made me want to shake her until she got a grip. Anne … well, I think I’ve expressed my feelings enough with her. Then there was their husbands. All their husbands. Good lord. Every male in this book was an abusive, scary, outright criminal A-holes. And the police … useless.
But the reason this didn’t hit a four with me was the end. I remember I was folding laundry when it all went down and I just stood there, two mismatched socks in hand, staring at my phone like, did that seriously just happen?
There’s really no way to clarify it more than that without giving away the surprise. But I will definitely keep reading Ms. Hawkins’s works and I am really excited for the movie. It’s really a book worth picking up and judging for yourself.
In conclusion: Grab your copy and let me know what you think.