Exciting things ahead! If you got my July newsletter than you know all about what I’m about to announce. If you’re not following my newsletter … what are you waiting for? JOIN and get exclusive news, giveaways, and updates before anyone else. It’s all manners of cool.
For example: for those anticipating the release of SERENDIPITY I am excited to announce a limited time opportunity to get a free copy. Learn more in my August newsletter coming out on the 25th. Everyone is eligible.
But back to my news! I have been sitting on this for about three months now and the anticipation has been driving me crazy. I had to keep reminding myself that patience was a virtue and all good things, etc, etc. But if you know me, then you know I am the least patient person in the world, especially when it comes to sharing anything that has to do with my books.
The idea for Serendipity came to me while I was on a camping trip with my family. I love camping. I love sitting by the fire and jotting down notes while the world around me whispers a song you don’t hear in the city. It’s incredibly magical. It was during this trip that Audrey and James made an appearance. The story was originally written for an anthology that was later dissolved before anything could become of it. I have several short pieces collecting dust on my hard drive, but something about these characters kept nagging at me. So, I did what any author would do: I dusted it off, lengthened it to a full novel and now, we’re going to release it.
But there’s more!
There was a delay in the release that were unforeseeable and unavoidable. In order for it to go through without confusion or further delay, Serendipity had to be put on temporary hold until the right moment, which is now. I talked about my plans for the book briefly on Facebook (you can read the post here), but I’ll be going more into detail in my newsletter Aug 25th. I stand by my promise that Serendipity will be free for followers of my newsletter, but that’s not all.
Aside from it being prepared for launch, Serendipity is also getting a new name. Same cover, but a fancy new title. The reason behind this is because I didn’t feel the title expressed the book properly. I love the word serendipity, but not for James and Audrey’s story. I cannot wait to share the new title with you guys. It’s perfect and looks so pretty on the cover. The Title Reveal will be happening Aug 17th!
═ sign up: TITLE REVEAL ═
I think that concludes this week’s share. Don’t forget to join the massive GIVEAWAY happening right now as we prepare for the launch of LOVE & GRACE!
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In the meantime, be sure to join the party. There is an amazing list of authors participating and a ton of prizes. Just follow the link here: MASSIVE, MULTI-AUTHOR GIVEAWAY
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