*giggle* Oh Gideon! You’re such a tease. Dirty, dirty boy. But that’s what we love about him, isn’t that right, ladies? He is just too good at being bad and now he’s getting a whole book to himself! Excited? Me too. Those who have been following my rants, then you know how persistent he’s been, how very, very pushy wanting his book written. Well, he got his wish and now I get to share it with you guys.

The gang is all back. Plus a few new characters you’ll love, hate, or maybe even both.

You might have guessed it from the teasers, but this book will definitely have some steamy, smexy moments that place this book solidly in the New Adult (18+) category. Oh, did I mention it’s chalk full of Gideon’s shenanigans, his snark and leather?

Have I caught your attention? Well, make sure you join the event, because trust me, you will not be disappointed. There are prizes, games and loads a few surprises that you won’t want to miss. Feel free to add others and share the links (Gideon’s Promise (Cover Reveal & Release Party)) You can also add Gideon’s Promise to your TBR list (LINK HERE).

Hope to see you there!!! <3