What’s more October than psychopaths and candy corn? Nothing. That’s what.
As mere mortals, we are unable to deny that little voice telling us to be wary of the dark. Thousands of books have been written about the monsters in the shadows, twisted beings with fangs and wings. Even more movies have been made. The beauty of it all is that it never fades, never grows old. We love the dark and the creatures contained within the shadows.
But which one? There are so many. Remember my last post when I asked you to think about your favorite horror (book/movie) creature? Now, I get to share my top ten favorites with you, starting from #10 to my all time favorite at #1. Let the countdown begin!
Disclaimer: Much of what you are about to see may contain graphics that are not suitable for everyone. So, continue … if you dare *mawhahaha!*
Fun fact: the first two Halloweens of my life that I remember, I was a vampire with the cheap, plastic cape and fake teeth, so yes, they will definitely always get a spot on my list. But when I say vampires, I mean the ones of old. The originals (no, not the TV show). I mean the gods of the night. The seducers of virgins and general bad asses that they are supposed to be. I can think of a few, like Dracula with Gary Oldmen, but my favorite will always be Lestat — Stuart Townsend, not Tom Cruise, to be clear.
It might seem like I’m going for all the popular creatures, but this should definitely be a given considering werewolves and vamps have been mortal enemies since … well, I don’t know. But I think because I have dogs, I would feel like a traitor if I didn’t include the were family *shifty eyes*. The other reason I’m all for werewolves is because they’re the opposite of vampires. They’re warm blooded, hot headed, and mate for life. There’s an allure to them that really howls. 😉
Fun fact about fairies: they will screw you over! Every lore, every story, every whisper about these creatures all share the same warning: never trust a fairy. They’re tricky, vicious, and cold. They live by a set of rules designed to outsmart all the other creatures, especially humans. I mean, they go so far as to steal a healthy, human baby and leave their own dying one in its place. I mean, how twisted is that? Let’s not forget that if you eat or drink their food, you’ll be trapped in the fay world forever, dancing until your feet bleed and you die of exhaustion. Yeah, not exactly Disney’s Tinkerbell. But that’s why they make it on my list.
I just want to be clear that, out of this entire list, this one freaks me out like none of the others could possibly. I HATE mermaids and sirens. I hate anything part human, part fish. Forget that noise. No thank you. I know you’re probably reading this and wondering WTH is wrong with you, that mermaids are cute and beautiful. But they’re not! They’re creepy and terrifying. I know my mermaid phobia confuses a lot of people, but I’m okay when that, which is why I’mma cut this one short, cuz I can’t even. But the reason they make it under my Favorite Horror Creature list is because they scare the crap out of me. They’re evil and twisted, and don’t think twice about dragging helpless sailors to their watery graves
Some in the Western world know them as genies, granters of wishes. Robin William. But the real thing is so much more terrible. If you’ve ever seen Wishmaster you know what I’m talking about. These guys don’t mess around. They will grant your heart’s greatest desire, but in a way that will make you suffer horribly. The Middle East is filled with stories of these demons. They steal souls and fight to rule the human world.
It’s that age old question: Jason or Freddy? If you said Freddy, we may have to have a talk. 😉 😛 lol But say what you will about his taste in fashion, Jason is a classic. For one, he’s a champion speed walker. Doesn’t matter how fast you run, Jason will always walk faster. It’s just a fact. There’s also the fact that his machete is BAD A$$! That thing can cut through anything … and probably has. But I think the real reason he has a place in my heart is because I used to watch it every Friday after school with my mom. It was our special time and it just made the movies that much better.
I’ve probably watched Silent Hill about a billion times (five at least) and I fall in love with it all over again every time. I think it’s just the twistedness of it, the whole: who comes up with this stuff, aspect. But mostly, I adore Pyramid Head. From the moment he came ambling onto the screen with his Great Knife and then again in the sequel to protect the girl (no spoilers!), I was enthralled. My only regret is that they never gave him a proper story. He just was. Maybe there’s a backstory in the video games, but I haven’t played those.
Again, another one from Silent Hill. The nurses are definitely second to Pyramid Head. I think the funniest part for me is when they move, they making these dirty, moaning sounds that, given that they’re trying to kill you, always make me giggle. They have horrific, disfigured faces, but their bodies — while bloody, cut up, and bent at odd angles — are something out of a Playboy spread. Seriously, watch the movie! LOL
I ADORE this little guy!!! My friend got me to watch Trick ‘r Treat about a million years ago and I completely fell in love with the pumpkin headed kid. He is just the cutest little serial killer. The movie itself is pretty good, too. But I definitely watch it mainly for him. ^_^ I mean … look at him!! 😍😍😍
Clive Barker and his Hellraiser series is probably the one book that gave me actual chills. For those who have a weak stomach, I would avoid these books/movies entirely. There is an insane amount of blood and gore. It’s very graphic. But if you enjoy the possibility of creatures brought into our world via puzzle boxes, demonic beasts with torn flesh and a twisted, sexual appetite, then this is the movie for you. I am a huge fan of Pinhead and his Cenobites, but not the ones played by Stephan Smith Collins or Jay Gillespie (both who tried their best), but I mean Doug Bradley. He will always have my black, little heart.
But that’s it for my list. What did you think? Did any of them match up with yours? Which ones?? Share your list in the comments below. I would love to see what we have in common. But that’s it for this round. I’ll see you again soon! Until then…