*Trumpets play. Harps … make whatever sound harps make. The world is full of joy and unicorn glitter.*
I’m not going to lie to you, I love this series so much, especially Touching Embers. I know all authors say that, and I’m sure it’s total true, because you never forget your first. Unfortunately, sometimes, you have no choice but to temporarily set it aside for various reasons.
TOUCHING EMBERS is nearly complete, reaching a little under 90k. My goal is 100k so I’ll let you do the math. Done? Yeah, that close. *glitter confetti!*

I know what you’re thinking, but, Airicka, if it’s almost that close to being finished, why hasn’t it been released already? Well, good question.
The only reason it’s not currently sitting in your hands is because I lost 2018 and fell behind. My back list was supposed to be finished this year. That includes TOUCHING EMBERS & REGULUS’S SUBMISSION. Unfortunate there was nothing I could do about it until now.
However, I did change my COMING SOON page. I’m hoping it’ll give you a bit more insight on our line up for 2019 and the order I have everything set up in. I also added the collection set, which is basically a series of standalone novels around a set theme, TAKING CHANCES. There is zero order to them so there’s no need to worry about how to read them.
REGULUS! I know he’s another favorite question. I was hoping to keep this post entirely about the Touch Saga, but you know the Maxwell brothers. 🙄 They take a backseat to no one.
I have started the forth and final novel. I’m not nearly as far in, but I have every intention of getting that series done ASAP. That goes for all my books.
A bit of warning when you head over to my coming soon page. A few of the links don’t work and that’s deliberate. Those books don’t have pages yet for various reasons, and like the covers, those will be reveled in order.
I think the only question left is, when, when can you expect these?
I do have a calender with everything marked down. I considered sharing it with you, but I’m not going to for the simple fact that, if this year has taught me anything, it’s that shit happens and I don’t want to let you down again if I accidently don’t make the deadline. But I will make you a promise and that is to do my best to finish and release this set of books in 2019.
I hope I’ve answered all your questions. If you don’t see it here, definitely drop me a comment. I will do my best to answer it. Thank you again for all your patience and for your love of my stories. It means so much to me, as do you.
I think that’s everything. Be sure to subscribe to my website and get automatically notified every time a new update goes live and don’t forget to hit the share button below, because sharing is fun and we’re fun people! If you have questions, ideas, or just want to say hey, leave me a comment in the box . . . also below.
This is Airicka saying, until next time, thanks for hanging out and I will see you soon. 🖤
- Wait! I’ve Lost My Introversion — ✔️
- Touch Saga With A Regulus Hijacking — ✔️
- Friday Letters, A Smutty Indulgence

- That Thanksgiving My Mom Traumatized Me & Other Stuff — ✔️
- 10 Reasons I Can’t Finish A Book — ✔️
- Inspiration Behind Dirty Gambit — ✔️
My October Book PileAiricka Down! Mayday! Abort Mission! — ✔️