When I was a kid, I had a whole classroom of “friends”, but I didn’t have a best friend until grade six when a new girl transferred over from . . . somewhere. we were friends for almost six-ish years, but to this day, I know absolutely nothing about her, except her name, that she had an older sister, and she made me laugh. Our friendship was a lot of on and off with her switching sides frequently when a better group of friends would come along. Eventually, in high school, we just stopped being friends.
Don’t worry. This isn’t a sad post. I have friends. I promise.

All my life, I’ve been wary of people. I’m not socially awkward . . . at first, but once I meet someone new, my brain flips to one of two possibilities. Either I’m chill and calm, or I’m a blubbering, fumbling spaz with verbal diarrhea and a stuttering problem. Oh, and there’s sweat. Oh boy, so much sweat…
The problem is usually how comfortable I feel upon the initial contact. If the person is open and friendly, I’m fun and normal. But if I get even a tiny, weird vibe . . . Watch out, world! It’s embarrassing for everyone involved.
Let’s say I go to a party with friends, I’ll either: follow a friend around like a skulky shadow, or I’ll lurk in some corner and wait for an unsuspecting victim to wonder in too close, which then I will slink over to and say something weird and awkward.

9 out of 10, it’s usually the latter. I’m not proud of that, but I’ve accepted it. Basically, I’m Lilly Onakuramara from Pitch Perfect.

The fact is, I’m better on paper. I’m better at pre-thinking my words and seeing it in front of me and having the option to tweak it so it sounds normal. I’ve gotten better over the years, as I “mature”. I think I’ve reached that point in my life where I’m just like, meh, whatever. But then I came across this quiz and thought, why not? It’s funny and ironic, because as a kid, I hated quizzes and would never have done one willingly (see how far I’ve come?). 😀
The quiz was essentially a series of questions about my social comfort. The usual stuff you’d find in a quiz dedicated to sussing out your normalness. The end result reveals whether you are an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert. There were like 12 questions and took me less than thirty seconds to complete. You can (and should) take it by CLICKING HERE. Then you can (and definitely should) come back and let me know what your result was.
Here’s mine!
But apparently I’m an ambivert. Go figure, right? I didn’t see that coming either, but if the quiz says it’s true, then it’s gotta be. Nevertheless, I wanted a second opinion so, I googled another test and picked one from a website I frequent regularly, Buzzfeed.
Did I mention it was 2am??? 😬
Here’s the results for that one.
So, there you have it. Problem solved. I mean, who says you shouldn’t let the internet diagnose your problems? Psssshhh. Wimps.
Well, now that we have that whole mess under control, let’s talk books, because you know what day it is, unless you’re like me and rarely ever know what day it is, in which case, it’s Monday. You’re welcome. But Monday means a new week and a new week requires a new list of goals. *YAY goals!*
Things to come: TOUCH SAGA fans will be happy to hear that that post I mentioned in my October Calendar is coming up this week. I know I’ve been getting a lot of requests for that one.
Also, I’m doing something a bit different, something that I’m still hammering out the bugs, but hope to share with you soon. I can’t give too much away, but it’s kinda really cool so I hope you’ll drop by and have a look.
Finally, I’m in the works to get a sign up sheet together for the cover reveal of DARING THE BABYSITTER. I’ll be sharing that as well.
I think that’s everything. Be sure to subscribe to my website and get automatically notified every time a new update goes live and don’t forget to hit the share button below, because sharing is fun and we’re fun people! If you have questions, ideas, or just want to say hey, leave me a comment in the box . . . also below.
This is Airicka saying, until next time, thanks for hanging out and I will see you soon. 🖤
- Wait! I’ve Lost My Introversion — ✔️
- Touch Saga With A Regulus Hijacking
- Friday Letters, A Smutty Indulgence

- That Thanksgiving My Mom Traumatized Me & Other Stuff — ✔️
- 10 Reasons I Can’t Finish A Book — ✔️
- Inspiration Behind Dirty Gambit — ✔️
My October Book PileAiricka Down! Mayday! Abort Mission! — ✔️