This was my first book by Kelly Elliott and I can see why so many enjoy her work. Her characters are sweet and wholesome and so deeply in love it makes you want to girly sigh.
For Brody and Brynlee, it was love at first sight. From there, their relationship skyrocketed into unfamiliar and terrifying territories. But, while scary, every moment is precious and so sweet. You can feel the love coming off the pages. Brody is such a sweetheart. He knew the moment he laid eyes on Brynlee that she was the one for him. He even says as much.
My mother always said, “You only feel true love once in a lifetime, so don’t ignore it.”
I never really got what she meant by that, but she told me when it happened, I’d know.
After years of waiting, it finally happened the moment I walked into the room and saw Brynlee. Her eyes met mine, and I swear I’d never felt my stomach twist and turn like that. She was gorgeous. Dark brown hair pulled up neatly on her head, green eyes that danced with excitement, and skin that looked like it had been kissed by the sun. When I accidentally brushed my hand across her shoulder, my entire body caught fire.
– Brody (Chapter Two)
I love when a guy knows what he wants and goes for it. Brody wastes no time revealing his feelings for our lovely heroine. But my favorite thing of all was how patient and caring he was towards her, taking his time and making sure she was ready before taking her to bed.
“I wouldn’t mind you … fucking me.”
She said it so low I could hardly hear her. My dick heard her loud and clear though and was ready for action.
Down boy. All in good time.
I lowered my head and leaned in closer to her as I pressed my forehead to hers. “What was that?”
Playfully hitting me on the chest, she laughed. “Brody! You know what I said!”
“No, no I don’t think I did.”
With a sexy pout, Brynlee whispered, “Please don’t make me say it again.”
Son-of-a-bitch, I loved this girl. “Okay, angel, I heard you and I wouldn’t mind fucking you too. But before we do that, I want to make love to you first.”
“Oh,” Brynlee barely said. “Can we just skip your plans, Brody? I’m horny as hell now with all this sex talk.”
I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as I stood up and brought her with me. “I’m more than fine with that. But, we need to eat dinner. Are you ready?”
“Where are we going?”
With a wink and flash of my dimples, I kissed her quickly on the lips and said, “It’s a surprise.” That moment I realized I wanted more of Brynlee; I knew our first time together had to be special. I wanted her to remember this day for the rest of her life.
– Brody (Chapter Two)
Brynlee is sweet, slightly too innocent. The kind of girl that would have been a big hit in the Victorian era when girls would hide behind their fans and peer coyly at the boy from across the ballroom. I did think she was a bit too innocent, but that only added to book. That was who she was and she never pretended to be anything else.
But like all good romance novels, their happiness is tested after only one year of marital bliss. I honestly hated that. Brody and Brynlee were the kind of couple you just wanted to keep seeing being happy forever without struggle. But no relationship is ever worth anything without being tested, right?
As I mentioned, I’ve never read anything by Ms. Elliott before. The blurb caught my attention and I let curiosity take over. I always go into a book with an open mind, especially a new author, and let them and their words carry me through the story. Contemporary is usually either a hit or miss with me. It all really depends on the author. But Were We Were was such a sweet treat. It’s one of those lazy summer afternoon type reads. I love the vivid picture that was painted of Brynlee’s family’s vineyard. It felt so real and I love how supportive both their families were. As someone who believes the bond of family is the strongest kind of love, that made me so happy to see.
In conclusion, I recommend this book for readers who just want something light and sweet to read. The story is fast paced, but not so much that you feel like you missed anything. It is a standalone so you’re not left waiting for book two, which is nice for a pool side read.
Overall: 4.5 unicorns