Today we are celebrating the release of HIS LULLABY BABY. This is the fifth, and final, novel in my Baby Saga. Enjoy!
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Now, don’t be too upset. I have a million different ideas and already have a few titles in the wheel getting ready to come out. In the meantime, enjoy the McClain family. I hope you love them as much as I did writing them!
Nothing ever happens by accident.
Ex-combat search and rescue officer Toby McClain had seen all aspects of humanity in his ten years of service until friendly fire took him out of action. But bitterness was something Toby could never do. He was alive. He had his family and, after being ambushed by a door, he had his eyes on the sexy new innkeeper.
Adelaide Nixon had felt the burn of love once already. It was a mistake that cost her six years of her life. It was a punishment she never wanted to feel again, especially when there were two little people who depended on her to keep them safe. The last thing she wanted or needed was the attention of a guy whose family kept the gossip mills turning.
But no secret ever stays hidden in a place like Willow Creek. Even as Toby breaks through Addy’s walls, a new threat comes to town, leaving her no choice but to put more than her heart in Toby’s hands and trust him not to destroy her.
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Just wanted to let you know that I just finished “His Lulaby Baby” (Toby and Addy) in the Baby Saga Series and loved the whole series!! I would have to say that Damon and Willa are my absolute favorite couple of this series but loved all the couples just loved them more. I was so glad that Damon had his happy everafter with Willa just hate it has to end with Toby’s story. I love your books!!
Aww!! Thank you so very much, Kathy! I’m delighted you’re enjoying my books. I’m sad too. I really enjoyed writing the McClain family. Thank you again! <3