Title: Little Rejects
Series: Standalone
Release Date: January 27, 2025
Genre: 96
Who says there’s no such thing as the perfect kidnapping?
Tell that to the masked men who snatched me up in the dead of night. Three dangerous men with only one objective: to keep me for themselves.
Captured and snowbound in an isolated cabin with nothing but each other for company, I find myself at the mercy of the men who ignite my soul with a fire that only burns for them.
As the storm rages outside, an inferno burns between us that’s scarier than any blizzard. These are not good, law abiding men with pure intentions. They are the rejects. Jefferson’s unwanted filth. They are the men girls are warned about. But I don’t care.
They are mine.
My filth.
My rejects.
They are everything to me, but they are keeping a secret from me. There is a clock running down to when I might lose them forever. A slap of reality waiting to strike once the storm stops that may leave me broken-hearted.
REMINDER: Triggers are unique to each person. All triggers can never be listed completely, but here is a rough guideline. Please read carefully.
- Why chööse
- Mäsk play
- Friends to lövers
- Isölated cabin / Snowed in
- Förced pröximity
- Pössessive prötective MMCs (3)
- Street savvy, sarcastic FMC
- Prötective, feisty MFC
- Tattooed men
- Stälking
- Kïdnäpping
- One girl, three best friends
- 4 POVs
- Händ nëckläce
- GrĂŻnding
- Hair pulling
- 3 on 1
- Using his hand to get off
- VĂŻrgĂŻn FMC -ish
- Socks
- Döuble pëneträtion
- Creäm pie
- Ă‹dging
- Begging
- Orgäsm cöntrol
- Forced Orgäsms
- Törture (good kind)
- Anäl
- Oräl
- Väginäl fëlching
- PraĂŻse kĂŻnk
- Degrädation pläy
- Size difference
- Publïc pläy
- Snöwbäll
- Will kĂŻll for her
- Light spänking
- Cüm pläy
- Bïting/märking
- Röugh pläy
- MF
- FoĂĽl, dĂŻrty language
- Vöyeürism/exhibïtiönism
- Stalking-ish
- SquĂŻrting
- Breäk in
- 4söme
- Drüg deälers
- Parental deäth
- DĂ«pression
- AnxĂŻety
- Träuma
- Chïld nëglect/äbuse (mentioned)
- Hostäge situätion (kinda)
May be changed/updated ^-^