It’s no surprise to anyone that I’m only just returning to our beautiful book community after a choppy few years. It’s been a roller coaster of ups and downs, and every time I think I can finally get back on track, something else sideswiped me out of alignment. But I realized something this time around that I have to share with you.
After being gone for such a long time, long enough that it feels as if the entire publishing world has left the train station without me, I found myself struggling to catch up, and because I felt like I was so far behind, I had a really hard time making deadlines and remembering why I loved writing in the first place. The stress of publishing again weighed heavily on me, and I felt the pressure to finish a book I wasn’t entirely happy with.
I think it was the idea of getting a book done for the sake of getting a book done made me shy away from the process. If I don’t believe in what I’m writing, how can I expect my readers to believe it? But I had to get serious about my writing again. I had to put into focus what it was exactly holding me back. So, I wrote up 5 key points to keep me centered and focused.
First, grab a notebook and a pen. Find yourself a quiet place you can calmly sit without distractions and start writing these out with as much detail and honesty as you can manage. Keep in mind there are no easy and fast ways to get through a block, except patience with yourself and the process. Be kind to yourself and do what feels the most natural for YOU.
1) Reflect on the reasons you took a break: Start by sharing why you took a hiatus from writing, whether it was due to personal reasons, burnout, or a lack of inspiration. What are some ways to help overcome these obstacles going forward? Is it doable? Is there another way if it’s out of reach?
2) Acknowledge the difficulties of returning to writing: Be honest about the challenges you faced when you tried to get back into writing, such as feeling rusty, doubting your abilities, or struggling to find your voice again. How can you make it easier on yourself this time?
3) What helps you stay motivated? What helps you stay focused during your writing journey? Do you write better at home or somewhere else? Some times, relocating helps unclutter the brain from all the dishes, laundry, and dinners you need to do/make. If possible, find a time and place to take yourself where you can fall into your writing without interruption. Make this into a habit. Turn it into a routine. Take yourself to your ‘happy place’ once a day, every day for an hour, or every other day, or whatever works best for your schedule, just make a routine and stick to it.
4) Set an achievable word goals. Whatever makes you feel at ease. Don’t promise to write 10,000 words in a day when the idea of writing 100 makes your stomach hurt. Baby steps. This isn’t a race. Break your word count down into small chunks that you stretch out over a 20 minute writing session. Take frequent breaks if you need to as long as you return to finish.
5) Taking breaks when needed, and celebrating small victories along the way. I keep a box of chocolate chip cookies hidden (mostly from the kids, but also myself LOL) that I treat myself to after finishing my word goal. I double treat myself if I finish more than my word count. 😉
6) BONUS TIP: Talk to your support system: Whether it’s family, friends, or fellow writers. Let them in on your struggles. You are not alone. All authors go through a slump. Only a few actually admit to it. But it’s not something to be ashamed of. You’re only human and you’re doing your best. If you’re not sure who to talk to, talk to us. We’re your community now. That’s the whole purpose behind BABES. We’re here to pick you up, cheer you on, and share all the ups and downs with you.
Were these points helpful? I’ll be starting a whole segment talking about my publishing journey and we are going to be all about the blunt, honest facts. No sugar coating the realities of this community. I will reveal every bump, hill, and hole I stumble into so you can avoid them. It’s time we built our community again and helped pick each other up. So, whether you’re an established author, a new author, or someone like me who is just relearning all the ropes, let’s bring Books and Business Enterprises to life.
Thank you for your support and encouragement, and I hope my journey can inspire you to keep going through yours.
With love,