I once met a woman who told me that every change in our lives is like a new chapter. I loved the saying, because, well, one, I’m an author, but also because it’s true. Every time something changes in my life, it always feels like a new page and whether or not the change is good, we have no choice but to accept it and grow from it.
Currently I have a few new changes happening that I’m excited about sharing with my readers. I have a book waiting to be released (Gideon’s Promise). I have several more in the line up to release before the year is done. Plus I have my first signing in October. That’s not including all the other things I have planned. But the thing I have been sitting on for a while and waiting to share most is a change that affects a great deal of things.
As most, if not all of you, are aware, Kimberly Schaaf has been my most dedicated cheerleader, support team and all around best friend and PA for the last year. She has been there through every pity party, every up and down and every moment that matters most, and in no way is that going to change. But starting Sept 1st, Kimmie and I have agreed that, because of her insane personal schedule with work and family, it would be best for all involved if she becomes my manager rather than my PA. In no way is she going to get far with those chains I have her locked up in, so this really works for both of us.
Meanwhile Amber Garcia from Lady Amber’s Reviews and I have been in talks about joining together and stepping in to fill the position. Amber and I have been friends for a few years and have always had an incredible connection so I know this will be a great change for me, for my team and my books. I greatly anticipate amazing things for the future. I have always said I have an unbelievable team behind me and I couldn’t be prouder or happier.
So thank you all for understanding and please help me in welcoming Amber to the group.