“Do you think there’s a way to change what he’s done?”
With a gentle tap beneath my chin, he tilted my face to his. “If Garrison can play God, I think we can find a cure.”
~ Touching Smoke
Don’t hurt me. I know you’ve all been waiting so very patiently for the launch of Fallon and Isaiah’s next adventure. I know you’ve been anxiously anticipating the next chapter in their dark and twisted tale. I know because I’ve been dying to give it to you. So what’s the hold up?
I’m excited to announce that the Touch Saga has been picked up by The Anchor group, a publishing home that has launched some of my all time favorite authors. It’s an honor to have my work placed alongside authors such as Stacey Rourke, Katherine Polillo and Christy Sloat, and so many others. The contract was signed on the anniversary of Touching Smoke’s one year release, which to me, feels like a good sign that I’ve made the right decision. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been writing for a year now. I know I’ve grown as both an author and a person and this new step in my writing career just feels right. True, I was terrified at first. I am an indie, self-published author and I am proud of that so why would I hand my baby over to another person?
Because I respect Stacey, not only as a person, but as an author. I believe together, we will bathe the Touch Saga in a new and vibrant light.
So what does this have to do with the delay in the release of Touching Fire?
We’re relaunching the Touch Saga. That means Touching Smoke & Touching Eternity. What does this mean for you, the reader?
It means new, never seen before chapters, deleted scenes and a little something as my way of saying thank you for your patience, for your support and for your unwavering followship. I can’t tell you how excited I am for this new project. But more than that, I am practically delirious for the release of Touching Fire. I have surprises in store that you will never in a million years guess. I have twists, turns, action and romance that will leave you gasping. Oh yeah, this baby has it all. Fallon is about to step into a world that will steal every ounce of her humanity, a world that will bring out the prowling evil in her. It will change her and you in ways that you will never expect. Oh, did I mention that Touching Fire is only the beginning of the end?
On that note, I will leave you with the promise that The Anchor Group and I are working tirelessly to get everything put together and launched as quickly as possible. Dates will be released as soon as I have them, along with sneak peeks and teasers so stay tuned and make sure you follow my blog HERE.
This is Airicka signing off with hugs and well wishes to all!
Be safe!
This is awesome news Airicka Phoenix!!! Congratulations!! <3
Thank you Len!!! *hugs* <3