It’s not what you think.
I didn’t set out to fall obsessively in love with my fake stepdad … or his twin brother. I wasn’t looking to love anyone.
Daniel and Christian know I’m cursed. They know people I love die violently and still they won’t let me go. They consume and devour my every breathing moment. I am so addicted to the dark and depraved things they do to me — make me do — I can’t leave even if I want to.
But they’re not perfect. Their past is a twisted, bloody mess. A horrific nightmare of betrayal, death and a town steeped so deep in evil, only fire can cleanse it. But that nightmare is what we have to face.
A whole weekend isolated with the two men I can’t keep my hands off would have been a dream if the people of Jefferson weren’t hell-bent on revenge.
They’re about to find out that I have nothing to lose and I will kill anyone who touches what belongs to me. Daniel and Christian MacAllister are mine and nothing short of death will stop me from protecting them.
Only problem — even I might not be strong enough to stop the evil chasing them. There’s a good chance we may not make it out of this alive.
REMINDER: Triggers are unique to each person. All triggers can never be listed completely, but here is a rough guideline. Please read carefully.
- Doll play
- Eyes up
- Anäl
- Breäth pläy
- Prïmal pläy
- Size difference
- Praïse kïnk
- Pliërs
- Degrädation pläy
- Töy(s)
- Brëëding kïnk
- Rölepläy
- Ëdging
- Publïc pläy
- Snöwbäll
- Will kïll for her
- Däddy kïnk
- D/lg
- Brät pläy
- Oräl
- Orgäsm cöntrol
- Cöck wärming
- Böndage
- Light spänking
- Händ nëckläce
- Blööd pläy
- Hair pulling
- Cüm pläy
- Väginäl flëtching
- Bïting/märking
- Röugh pläy
- Förbïdden
- Äge gäp
- Isolated cabin
- Why chööse
- Twins
- Parental deäth
- Sibling deäth
- Dëpression
- Anxïety
- Träuma
- Flüid pläy
- MF
- Mürder
- Blööd
- Vïolence
- Süspensïon
- Grinding
- Cöck warming
- Double pëneträtion
- Protective, feisty MFC
- Desëcrätion of a bödy
- Home ïnväsion
- Cörrüpt town
- Foül, dïrty language
- One girl, two brothers
- Stepdäd & stëpüncle
- Rëligïous fänatïcism
- Mänipülation (not MC’s)
- Gäslightïng (not MC’s)
- Rëvënge (not MC’s)
- Rape (mentioned)
- Cörrüpt law enfïrcement
- Attëmpted räpe (not MCs)
- Töxic rëlatïonship (not MCs)
- Pössëssive, obsessive MMC(s)
- Vöyeürism/exhibïtiönism
- Chïld nëglect/äbuse (mentioned)
- Dömestïc viölence (mentioned)
- Sübstänce äbuse (mentioned)
- Attëmpted suïcïde (mentioned)
- Suïcïde (mentioned)